«Εν δε δικαιοσύνη συλλήβδην, πάσα αρετή εστί»
(Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC, Greek Philosopher).
Justice is the greatest of all virtues
(Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC, Greek Philosopher).
Justice is the greatest of all virtues
Civil Law:
Enforcement proceedings, Family Law, Hereditary Law, Tort Law, Property Law, Consumer Protection, Law 3869/2010 (Katseli Law), Claims for Road Accidents, Leases, Disputes between Co-Owners, non-contentious Jurisdiction, Expropriations.Corporate Law:
Establishments / Modifications / Mergers / Absorptions / Withdrawal of Companies of any legal form. Integration into Article 99, Franchise, Integrated legal support of all types of companies.Administrative Law:
Recourses / Motions / Applications against fines and Administrative decisions.
Criminal Law:
The whole range of criminal law. We undertake the legal support and
defense of our principals from the pre-trial stage, the main investigation,
before the Councils of Justice and the Criminal Courts at all levels, up to the
appeals procedure in the Supreme Court. At the same time, we represent natural and
legal persons for the appearance of a civil action in offenses committed against them.
Commercial Law:
Intellectual Property Law, Bankruptcy Law, Tax Planning, Banking law.
Property Law / Real Estate:
Research related to title deeds in the cadastres and the land registries,
real estate transfers, urban planning offenses.
About us
Our office was established in the year 1955 and since then it has been operating continuously and uninterruptedly.
We undertake cases throughout Greece. We work with ethos, consistency, accountability and efficiency to meet the demands and expectations of all our customers.
Our team of lawyers is experienced in all types of law and can provide, in conjunction with the assistance of our external partners, full legal assistance in civil, criminal, corporate and tax law to natural persons as well as companies or corporations.
The exclusive guideline for our office is the interest of our customers and their prompt service.